Teaching a New Skill
Trifecta is lounging pretty well, but I don't want us to get bored of it. We felt it was time to try something new to make it more interesting.
Ellen laid a pole on the ground for him to trot over. We have spent some time in the past leading over poles, so he was familiar with them before we started. My first attempt to lounge him over the pole at a walk didn't go well at all. He avoided it altogether. That wasn't a surprise, since he didn't know what I wanted him to do. I shortened the line so that I was only a few feet from him, and we tried it again. He tried to avoid the pole again and ended up banging his foot on it.
The next time I circled him around, he stepped over the pole. I stopped him and gave him lots of pets and told him how good he was. We went back and did it a few more times until he seemed confident with it. It was time to add the trot. At first he avoided it, but finally he took a trot step over the pole. I stopped him to praise him, and he had a look on his face like he figured something out and he felt good about it. I thought I was imagining it, but then Ellen said she thought that was how he looked before I even mentioned it to her.
He trotted over the pole a few more times, and then it was time to switch directions. Clockwise is typically harder for him. We practiced lounging in that direction for a few minutes and then we headed for the pole. Since he seemed to understand the concept, once I was able to properly line him up with the pole (not as easy as it sounds,) he trotted right over it. He got lots of praise and pets. He did it a few more times, and each time he got a little better--and then he tried a new technique--he jumped over it, cantered a stride and went back to the trot. Ellen and I laughed. I circled him back--and he cantered over it again. We took a little break, and I decided to try one more time--and he cantered again.
I don't know if he just thought it was easier to canter--or if I have a horse with an aptitude for jumping. Each time, he did it with more confidence. It did seem like he enjoyed his little training session. We will do more of it in the future.
Day 2
It was time to try trotting over two poles. Ellen set them up for me. First, we reviewed walking over 2 poles--which he had done before on previous days. He did that well, even though I asked him in lounging position instead of leading position. My next request was to trot over the poles--and he hit both of them. I stopped him to let him think a little and then tried again. He was perfect! We made such a big deal about it with lots of praise and pets. After that, he trotted perfect each and every time. We continued to praise and pet him for it. He seemed cooperative and comfortable with the task, too.
I didn't want to overdo it with him, so we then moved into some regular lounging. At one point, he grabbed the line right by his mouth and didn't want to let it go. I made him keep trotting with it in his mouth. I think he was getting frustrated with it, and he gave it a big pull--and somehow he slipped and fell partially to the ground. He regained his balance and kept on going, unscathed.
You would think that he would have learned his lesson, but he continued to try and grab the line.
I decided it was time to try something new, so I asked him to canter--and he did! And he did it beautifully! I asked Ellen and Kevin if they were training him when I wasn't around, since this was the first and then the second time I ever tried. We laughed about it, but truthfully, I asked him to canter because it just seemed like he wanted to do it. Sometimes that is just the way things go. Needless to say, I was so happy with his response. When I first tried cantering Cole on a lounge line, he turned into a bucking, bolting maniac. Sometimes, he still does. Cole has never been a very consistent lounger. I am better off just riding him for exercise.
I think Trifecta has reached the point where he lounges better than Starry, Dante and Cole. That is just with short lessons a few days a week. He seems to enjoy learning which is a good thing to have in a horse.
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