Friday, June 3, 2011


There is more to me than just horses. I am an avid gardener, and wow, has this been a frustrating spring. There has been so much rain, that I never got my veggie garden tilled. I finally gave up, and started to do it by hand last weekend. I have been working very hard, but haven’t gotten much accomplished. I got my tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cukes and zukes in. I hope to get the beans in this weekend.

The flower gardens are a mess because it was so wet that I couldn’t get much work done in them. At least they are very green. I mostly have perennials and weeds. I want to put some nasturtiums, the annual of the year, in, but haven’t had a chance because of the veggie garden. Ugh…

It hasn’t rained in a week, now, the longest we have gone all year. I even had to water a little last night. I am sure we will end up in a drought, soon.

All the better for me riding!

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

Yeeeaaah my gardening hasn't gone well this spring either . . .