Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I am looking forward to...

Excerrpt from "Trail Horse Adventures and Advice"

Each season is a delight to me when I am out riding. It is finally spring, and I see and recognize each variety of wildflowers as they sprout. Right now, the Virginia Bluebells, Rue Anenomes and Wild Geraniums are beginning to wane, but they are being replaced with my old friends the Indian Hyacinths and Jack in the Pulpits. I see the Dames Rockets will be blooming soon and the monstrous Cow Parsnips are sprouting.

As Cruiser and I canter slowly down our trail, my eyes are forever looking along the trail for my flowers. At the same time, I take in the lovely sound of the songbirds singing and the ever-present murmur of the Rocky River that our trail closely follows. Sometimes, particularly in the spring, the smell of one of the many flowering trees and shrubs will find its way to my nose and make me smile. Honeysuckle, Cottonwoods, and Locust Trees—I love them all.

Soon, the trees will be a dark green and the flowers on the forest floor will quickly disappear. Never fear, though, as the summer progresses, new flowers will show their faces in any spot that the sun comes through. There are a number of pretty wild sunflowers that our horses love to try to eat as we go by. The warm weather will bring that old snapping turtle out in the swamp by the fence—I’m always sure to look for him as I go by.

In the fall, I think our trails have some of the prettiest colors around. Some sections are such bright yellow tunnels that they will blind you on a sunny day. The most beautiful vistas are seen when we cross our river. The main flowers of interest are the Asters, Joe-Pye-Weed, Boneset and many varieties of Goldenrod.

I ride all year and have learned to appreciate the winter. The trees are lovely in their stark nakedness. The trunks and branches show their true personalities, which are hidden by their leafy summer clothing. The snow blankets the ground and completely transforms the world I know so well. I love the days when the snow is sitting on every branch of every tree. These days are glorious, but fleeting for the snow usually melts before my eyes as the morning progresses. Even now, I still see my flowers—the dried stalks of sunflowers, goldenrods and teasels peek out of the snow to remind us they will be back. Soon, it will all begin again, and I will revel in the joy of spring and the joy of being alive, riding my precious horses in the park, I love so well.

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

Beautifully written. I got my coupon by the way, so I'll be ordering your book soon. :)