Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The storm wasn't too bad

We had about an inch of a sleet/ice mix on the driveway, this morning. It is a hill, so I had to go down it in neutral and pump the brake. It was pretty scary, but I made it, and was able to stop before I reached the street. The roads were fine, and I got to work early. It has turned to snow, now, and they expect 1-3 inches. I am so glad we didn’t get the worst of the storm. It seems like it was quite a bad one.

I intend to get up for work at my normal time, tomorrow. I can’t handle these early mornings. I keep falling asleep at lunch when I am supposed to be reading. I hope Thunder agrees with my plan. He has been waking me up before my alarm most days for the last few weeks. Cats can be such tyrants.

I’m going out to ride, tonight. I’m not feeding, cuz someone wanted to switch with me, so it will be an easy night. I hope the teenagers are done by the time I get there. Daylight Savings can’t come soon enough for me. I need to get out of the arena!

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

Yes! I can't wait for daylight savings, even though it will mess my sleep up again. It will be worth it to have more daylight.

I'm glad you made it out of your driveway safely. We didn't get anything out of the storm either. It went just north of us thank goodness.