Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Stuff

I’ve got the winter blahs…January is almost over—one more real winter month to go, and it is a short one. I sure hope we don’t have any more of those big storms. Winter is such a drag.

I have been working Cruiser in the indoor arena, and it’s better than not riding at all, but I sure do miss the trail. No one has gotten out on the trail much until the last few days. The driveway has been a sheet of ice. We did have a good thaw that even melted the river, but we are going to have very cold weather, again, so it will probably start to freeze up, again. I decided to pull Cruiser’s shoes this last time to give his feet a break, so I just plan to keep him inside until I get the shoes put on next month. (If it wasn’t for the whole bowed tendon issue, I wouldn’t worry—we always pulled his shoes in the winter in the past.)

Mingo is status quo. The vet gave me a month’s worth of pills. We have been hand walking him, and he is doing fine—getting playful—just like his old self. All those irritating things he used to do, like grabbing the lead rope, I now welcome.

My boyfriend is babysitting Friday and Saturday, so I will be on my own. It will be a very relaxing weekend. I hope to get a little caught up on chores and maybe even some reading done. I will make a nice meal for Dad on Saturday. Sunday, Dad talked me into going to a Packard Meet at a restaurant. Their events are pretty boring for me—most of the people who are there are in their 70’s or above. It is an aging club. The women talk about grandchildren and health problems. The men talk about cars. I have known them my whole life.

I will still have time to ride in the morning and will get to visit my boyfriend in the evening.

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

I agree about winter! It's no fun at all.

I'm glad Mingo is feeling better and getting more playful. :)