Friday, May 13, 2011

Farrier Night

The farrier came out last night to shoe Cruise, Range and trim Cole. Cruiser tried to nip at him several times and was very fidgety. Cole—well he was close to perfect. My farrier was very impressed with how good he has become—and this with me not working on his feet at all since the last trim. I haven’t even had him in the crossties since then. Afterwards, he commented how good he looks since he has lost weight and muscled up. Believe me, it is hard to get a compliment from our farrier. He is usually filled with gloom and doom.

It rained earlier in the day, so we took Cruiser on his physical therapy walk down to see the river, and it was raging. I doubt if it had even crested, either. We got more rain today, and they are predicting it all weekend. I do believe we won’t be crossing the river, again. This has been the most unbelievable spring. I hope this means we will have a gorgeous fall to balance it all out. I shouldn’t complain after hearing so much about the Mississippi flooding. Hopefully, it won’t be raining when we are out there so we could ride up and down the hill.

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

Yeah I'm trying not to complain too much about the rain and I'm hoping for a really great autumn too. :)

That's so cool that you got of compliment from the doom and gloom farrier. :)